Monday, October 29, 2012

This morning I worked on chess position training . I can't believe how rusty I get. To be fair, it is sometimes a challenge to remember a particular positions out of a variations.

I also worked on a particular line getting ready for my match with ronliv this evening. Attila had a wonderful idea of having us play a particular variation.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I played in the Santa Fe Open tournament. It was a 4 round event with a time control of G45/5d. I scored 2 out of 4. I did well enough and increased my rating by 10 pts.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Today I spent some time catching up with correspondence games on Most of the games are going well. I have about 21 games that are ongoing. I believe I may be losing 4 of them outright.

After catching up, I spent some time following the USCL on ICC. I also spent 45 min working with chesspositiontrainer (CPT).

I also spent some time reading How to Reassess Your Chess 13-26 pp with positions/games set up on a board. I played through the Topolov - Sashikiran game and learned about positional weakness in how it might be exploited. Another example that showed having an active K as an attacking piece to deliver mate in the Short - Timman game. One of the key elements of the game that allowed the K mobility was black's weakened squares on the K-side.

I spent a total of 3.5 hours studying.